Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama creates history to become 1st Black US President !

Barrack Obama scored a landslide win (well considered la) in yesterday night's US presidential election over Republicans rival John McCain. Hooray !!! Even though I'm not American, but I do see the light in him leading the US. Well before the election on 4th Nov, the rest of the world had spoken well in favor of Obama, it's just that there have been some upset results in recent history. However there's no such thing this time. (refer to the Yahoo news chart below for the result)

Biden will become the vice president and join hands with Obama to lead the United States and change for the better future. Well, I certainly hope so. Though there are still 2 months away before they are to swear in the office come January 09 2009, I believe many are already looking forward for the post-Bush era days...

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